My Guide To Newborn Essentials
We had no idea what we’d really need when we had our son
When we started preparing for a newborn we received so many of our friends’ registries as a guide for what we would need. Some of them were super comprehensive and some were short and sweet. We ended up buying a ton of stuff we didn’t need and then scrambling for the essentials we soon realized we needed after his birth. Of course every baby is different and may have different preferences, but I put together this list of the items we use all the time now and the ones I wish we had in the beginning. If there’s something you notice I’m missing here that worked great for you, let me know in the comments!
Burp Cloths and Cloth Baby Bibs
I almost had Avishai with no burp cloths! It wasn’t until I went shopping with a friend a week before he was born that she told me I’d need a ton of them and wow she was right. Babies spit up, burp, and are messy eaters, with milk drooling all over their cute onesies. We go through so many burp cloths daily. I especially love Green Sprouts Organic Cotton. Within a few weeks of having him, I noticed all his clothes were stained with milk from feedings. I discovered cloth bibs on Kyte baby. We use them while feeding to prevent drool and spit up from getting all over him. These have been amazing at preventing and cleaning up messes!
We resisted splurging on a Dock-a-Tot in the beginning and got a Snuggle Me Organic instead. The Snuggle Me was so cute, but it looked like Avi was smooshed in it, which the ridges so close to his body. It also seemed like it scrunched his neck and like he was quickly getting too long for it. We noticed in other people’s pictures that the Dock-a-Tot looked bigger so we decided to go for it and could not be happier! Not only is it larger and roomier, but the base is cushioned so you don’t need to worry about what kind of surface he is resting on. It’s also angled at a slope so his head stays higher than his body, preventing reflux and digestive issues while he sleeps!
The Uppa Baby Vista V2 Stroller
We were so excited to get the Uppababy Vista V2 stroller. It grows with the baby as they get older and can change from front facing to rear facing. It also has shock absorbing tires that make it a super smooth ride for baby. You can also attach the carseat or use for two kids.
Uppababy Mesa Carseat
We got the Uppababy Mesa carseat so that we can use it with the Uppababy Vista V2 stroller. We also loved that it snaps in and out of the car base super easily. It’s pretty lightweight for carrying and super comfortable for baby. A few friends recommended it and we have loved it so far!
Owlet Smart Sock
The Owlet smart sock was recommended by a friend whose baby it saved! You basically snap it on their foot and an app monitors their sleep, heart rate, and oxygen levels. The first couple nights after having Avishai we were too scared to sleep, thinking that something would happen to him. So we literally took turns staring at him as he slept. When we started using this it was such a relief to be able to sleep and know that if anything were to happen to him we would be quickly alerted.
Baby Mittens
Avishai was born with looong nails. As soft as baby nails are, they are sharp and they grow extremely fast. Even when we would trim and file them, he’d still manage to scatch his face up and even started to bleed. We didn’t have baby mittens at first so were putting socks on his hands, but he was even able to wriggle out of those at times. We finally got the Kyte baby mittens and they work great! He can’t wriggle out of them, they’re a super soft material, and the shape stays snug at the wrist but allow for his hands to move inside.
4 Moms MamaRoo Bassinet
A friend gifted us this bassinet and now we are obsessed. I wasn’t ready to splurge on a Snoo, especially because what if Avishai didn’t even like it. But the 4Moms MamaRoo Sleep bassinet has similar functions, it sways and plays white noise with several different settings that are perfect for napping or soothing a fussy baby.
Mam Baby Infant Soothers
We didn’t own any pacifiers when Avishai was born and we struggled soothing him at night the first couple weeks. I wasn’t sure if pacifiers were a good or bad thing, but then I learned about the ‘calming relfex’ in babies and how they like when we imitate the womb for them. He was already self soothing by sucking on his hands so we introduced the pacifier and it has been a game changer! We talked to our pediatrician about it and he said that as long as we take it away before 7 months we shouldn’t have to worry about it hindering his teeth and development.
Happiest Baby On The Block
I just read this book but I wish I had read it sooner! Every parent should read this book to learn how to properly care for a newborn and create the most supportive and calming environment for them. This answered all the things I had questions about: swaddling, pacifiers, calming fussiness, sleep. It really is important for understanding newborns and it’s an easy and fast read so would highly recommend.
Hatch Grow Smart Changing Pad
We love this changing pad because it has a sleek, non distracting design and an app that lets you track his growth! The pad has a built in scale so we can track his weight which is super helpful in the early days when they are building back their birth weight.
Earth Mama Diaper Balm
The last thing we want is for our babies to have a rash and be uncomfortable. We love that this diaper balm is organic and safe for sensitive skin. We suggest loading up a generous amount to create a barrier from the skin so his tush stays soft and comfortable!
Mini Bloom Mom + Baby Set
I am so glad we have this baby and mama set from Mini Bloom! The Fresh ‘N Clean wash is super gentle for a baby’s bath and the organic nipple balm has been so healing and soothing after I feed.
Fridababy Windi Gas Passer
There’s a lot of things you learn after you have a baby- like they need assistant burping and passing gas! The Windi from Fridababy helps release any discomfort when they need a little assistance. Just make sure to only use when necessary and no more than 3 times in a 24 hr period.
Artipoppe Baby Carriers
Most cultures hold their babies as much as possible during their first 3 months out of the womb. It’s important for their development, bonding, and easing the transition from womb to world during the 4th trimester. These Artipoppe carriers can be used from newborn to toddlers and come in super chic designs.
Diapers and Wipes
This is an obvious essential. We love the diapers from Honest or Coterie and any water wipe will be amazing. Honest diapers are great and come in cute seasonal designs. Coterie is definitely more of a splurge and is the luxury version of a diaper. The material is super soft and they absorb more moisture, preventing blowouts and and diaper rash.
Tweezerman Baby Manicure Kit
Avishai’s nails were LONG when he was born. I embarrassingly bought a lot of baby nail kits, but cutting a newborns nails are scary and intimidating. I tried out several different kits and methods, but this one from Tweezerman was by far the easiest and safest one I used. The clippers made it easy to trim without nicking any skin and the little scissors took care of any hang nails. Baby nails grow fast so we use this about 3 times a week!
Hatch White Noise Machine
White noise has been amazing at soothing our baby and keeping him asleep for longer stretches. Babies listen to white noise in the womb constantly for 9 months, so using this has been especially helpful at keeping him calm. I’ve also heard using a white noise machine can help soothe babies through sleep training and transitioning out of a swaddle.